We’re ISO/IEC certified and GDPR and eIDAS compliant and use advanced TLS encryption across our site for secure document processing. This Hello PDF is a PDF to Word open-source converter that enables you to convert as well as edit the PDF files free of cost. We take your security and privacy very seriously at Smallpdf.

Is the Convert PDF to Excel tool safe to use?.We know that businesses have different needs, so we’ve developed Team and Business plans specifically for them.

Smallpdf is on a mission to simplify document work for everyone, freelancers and business owners alike. You’ll get full access to all of our tools, including the PDF to Excel converter. If you need unlimited access, you can sign up for a 7-day free trial to Smallpdf Pro. With a suite of other easy-to-use tools for merging and splitting PDFs, compressing and rotating PDFs, and deleting PDF pages, our PDF converter breaks you free from the typical.