This allows control over enabling and disabling items in the lists, and even the ability to add comments to remind you why you black/whitelisted something! Furthermore, the database will store when you initially added a domain and when you last changed it (or disabled it). To support this new functionality, we migrated the list storage from individual files in /etc/pihole to a new gravity database in the same directory. Blocklists, blacklist and whitelist can all be individually enabled/disabled. Groups can be created and block lists, blacklist, and whitelist can be applied to groups. This is something that users have been asking for for a long time, and we are proud to be finally able to offer this awesome feature. Quite a lot, actually, but we’ll go over the bigger things briefly here. Read all the notes before you make the jump, and make a backup! What’s new? Once you move from 4.x to 5.0, there is no way to go back you will need to restore from a backup. There are many fundamental changes between Pi-hole 4.x and 5.0 – as such, this is strictly a one way operation. After a successful beta testing and development period (many thanks to the beta testers!), we are pleased to announce the release of 5.0 for general availability! Important notice